Sunday, December 28, 2014

Rings With Style

So recently I discovered an online auction site called and came across their fantastic selection of ringsAfter scrolling for a bit through simple bands to antique art deco statement rings I came across a stunner. You can filter to stone, metal, and style to better determine what you might be looking for. Naturally having expensive taste (but not the $$ to support it), and being a September baby I’m drawn to sapphires and found this awesome geometric one with a diamond as an accent piece. I love the simplicity of the style as well as the fact that the sapphire is a triangle cut. Which is not your average setting.

I envision this ring in a classic edgy style like Olivia Palmero, with belted hi-waisted flannel pants, crisp white button down and a classic jacket. Now it can go either way classy or casual, so I gave you tow options on shoes. And being that I live in NYC you know it goes both ways. Maybe you’re out for an interview or on a girl’s night out. The ring transitions beautifully with either and becomes the focal point of the outfit with the pop of color from the sapphire. The grays are a pseudo neutral and let the ring do all your talking. I also loved the shape as I have a similar setting and love that it’s a conversation starter.
So the next time you’re struggling with where to get that “guuurl, where did you get that ring?” head over to and scoop up a one of a kind item.

 Check them out here!